Warrior of Light, part time receptionist, smuggler of contraband goods and forbidden magicks.


stories featuring arthur and his lived experiences


who are you?

arthur solo

A quick intro into the Warrior of Light's backstory and past.

beyond the storm

arthur x lyse (light zenoswol)

Arthur revisits the Royal Menagerie after his last fight with Zenos at the end of the world and meets an old friend. Endwalker spoilers.

at the end of all things

arthur x zenos

Arthur's self introspection on his relationship with Zenos. Post endwalker 6.0.

our closure

arthur x esteem

Arthur's perspective on the final Dark Knight quest. Contains Shadowbringers spoilers.

fire and blood

arthur x thancred

Thancred and Arthur have some talking to do after the Praetorium explodes.

TO A-----

arthur X esteem

A ghost wearing his face and name has always been haunting Arthur. Shadowbringers spoilers.


arthur solo

Arthur is hiding something. Endwalker spoilers.

dinner with an ascian

arthur x emet-selch

Transported to Garlemald, Arthur has to deal with an unknown Ascian.

post antitower

arthur x thancred

Past Ishgard's conflict, Arthur and Thancred both have to work out their personal grievances with each other.


arthur solo

Dreaming of the impossible has never been Arthur's forte.
Endwalker spoilers.

life's worth

arthur x zenos

You who are born into this world of pain... Post Endwalker 6.0.

misery wants company

arthur x fandaniel

A dance with an Ascian. Contains Endwalker spoilers.

can you hear me?

arthur and meteion

Meteion's beginning and end with Arthur.
Endwalker spoilers.

written stories

ffxivwrite 2022

arthur centric

Little snippets of Arthur, his life and his backstory.

dinner with an ascian

arthur x emet-selch

Written by: PunishedEden

The Warrior of Light is taken to meet the Emperor of Garlemald. Contains spoilers all the way up until Shadowbringers.

Character bio- arthur forrest 1.0

Written by: writingbunny

Commissioned character bio written for 1.0 Arthur.
Written by: writingbunny


Name: Arthur (?)
Race: Half-Hyur midlander/Garlean
Nameday: 8th sun of the 3rd umbral moon (march 8th)
Age: Late teens to Late 20s (1.0 to Endwalker)
Guardian: Azeyma, the Warden
City-state: Limsa Lominsan
Grand Company: Maelstrom

Born the only son of a Garlean defector and the village chief, Arthur grew up in a secluded village in the Yanxian mountains on the edges of the Glittering Basin. He does not remember anything of his childhood or family.Forced to flee to Eorzea at a very young age, he makes his living taking odd jobs and made his fortune scamming people out of their gil via fraudulent paperwork, which led into his involvement with the Circle of the Knowing (later the Scions of the Seventh Dawn) when investigations were made into his activities.


self-centered, apathetic and indifferent

Arthur is extremely self-centered in the beginning of his journey, and does not care for anybody else's opinions on him, nor does he care to make friends or enemies. This garners him a lot of ill-will and complaints, but he does not care. This changes as he goes through his timeline and tries to improve himself, but it still slips through his facade.

curious and driven to knowledge

Arthur has an unending thirst and yearning for the world and its knowledge and will go through whatever means to acquire it. This is driven partially by his lack of memories and identity.


If you manage to break through his mask of apathy and get through to him, Arthur is an extremely loyal person willing to go to any ends to help.

polite and brutally honest

Always has a resting frown on his face but will be polite when talked to, especially when it comes to conducting business.

paranoia of self

Fears himself most of all, and is deathly afraid of his loss of identity and memories.

arthur's history

Notes about Arthur:

A more detailed run-down of Arthur's history and background! It goes through everything from his origins, childhood to 1.0, and ARR onward. Some information is written down with images alongside them and subjected to change.


  • Doma is burnt, and Arthur arrives in Eorzea via a refugee boat fleeing the conflict.

  • He is quickly recruited into the pirates guild after being rescued by them. Primarily works on deck as a deckhand before being promoted to the logistics of smuggling and inventory management.

  • He is kicked out and gets recruited by the Arcanist guild. This is where he starts defrauding customers and continues his smuggling activities.

  • Is obsessed as to why he keeps getting visions and can't die- uses the money from his illegal activities to fund the buying of forbidden texts from Sharlayan.

  • Picks up warrior, arcanima, fishing and blacksmithing along the way.

1.0 (before the meteor)

  • Meets Y'shtola as a pirate on a ship that is attacked by the Sahagin and Leviathan and is later dismissed by the crew for his untimely visions. (gets it much more frequently and slips into/out of echo visions seamlessly, making him seem very ditzy to others)

  • Worms his way into working as a customs officer on Limsa's docks. Also meets Thancred in Limsa while running fraudulent activities (who is sent to investigate him) and he is inducted forcibly into the Circle of the Knowing in Uldah by the both of them.

  • Meets Minfilia for the first time.

  • Picked up by Louisoix Leveilleur whose interest in him is piqued by his magical talent and Echo.

  • Events of 1.0 happens. Defects from the Circle to meet Nael and Gaius.

  • Project Meteor is accelerated, he is rushed to the frontlines.

  • Dalamud falls as he is on the Carteneau fields. (Current job is a GLD/MRD)

2.0 (A Realm Reborn)

  • Awakes and finds himself on a boat headed towards Limsa, quickly realises he is 5 years into the future

  • The plot of ARR progresses as normal for Arthur.

  • Arthur is scrounging for lost memories and his identity (he's forgotten most events pre 1.0) and his friends (most are dead). Only Minfilia remembers him.

  • Praetorium happens (he gets scarred by Lahabrea).

2.X - 2.55 (Before the Fall)

  • Follows timeline of patch events, wears a bandage over face for most of it.

  • The pressure of being Eorzea's new hero is starting to crush him, and he turns cold towards everyone but Minfilia.

  • Sells the Scions out to Ilberd in a bid for freedom

  • The Bloody Banquet happens and he is double crossed and framed- the poison he gives to Ilberd to be used on him is instead given to Nanamo.

  • Stuck with only Alphinaud and Tataru- they avoid him but still have him around, knowing that he is their only hope at getting everybody back.

3.0 (Heavensward)

  • Still mute, he is allowed entry into Ishgard via Haurchefant. Refuses to talk and is considered cold and standoffish by everyone. Picks up DRK and DRG after the initial intro to the Fortemps mansion.

  • Eyesight is starting to fail at this point, can't see properly. Loses ability to wield arcanima and aether as his main offensive form as he is emotionally and mentally constipated.

  • All of HW happens, loses Haurchefant and Ysalye and Estinien (tension with Estinien). His hunt for the Scions and Minfilia specifically is all that matters. Thirsts for revenge and vengeance against the Crystal Braves, and Ilberd.

3.x-3.55 (The Far Edge of Fate)

  • Follows normal events.

  • Bravura breaks at the hands of the Warrior of Darkness- he is forced to use the lance for most of post-HW.

  • Meets up with Elidibus more frequently out of curiosity, says nothing to the Scions about it.

  • Meets Arbert, bids his final farewell to Minfilia (him and Thancred share the same guilt over her)

  • Baelsar's wall and Shinryu happens

  • Betrayed that Yda is actually Lyse and is very offended (mostly at himself)

4.0 (Stormblood)

  • See Zenos at Rhalgr's Reach for the first time, unmutes and talks properly for the first time after Heavensward.

  • Accompanies Lyse to Ala Mhigo and Kugane. They're close to each other.

  • Starts hiding that he can't see properly by wearing a mask.

  • Echo visions are getting more frequent, "Fray" is whispering more and more into his mind and at this point his soul is already getting pulled by the Exarch.

  • Zenos is defeated. His fear of loss of control and his grasp on his identity is starting to overcome him and he becomes more tenacious and single minded.

  • Paranoia of the self is getting stronger. Pushes everybody away.

4.x-4.55 (A Requiem for Heroes)

  • Adventure! Agrees to it to take his mind off everything.

  • Pities Tsuyu, apathetic to Asahi (sees him as a nuisance)

  • Eureka happens, ventures to it out of thirst for more weapons but gets to know Krile more. Allows Ejika to die.

  • Soul is getting pulled more often and he passes out a lot.

  • The Garlean parley happens, called out personally by Varis as a traitor (Arthur's father and family were close to the Imperial family. He doesn't know this.)

  • Yanked to the First in the Syrcus Trench but not before seeing the Exarch after Ghimlyt. Sends Elidibus scurrying despite his Echo crippling him at almost every waking minute.

5.0 (Shadowbringers)

  • ShB happens

  • Emet-Selch, Ardbert and Exarch all mirror Arthur clinging onto scraps of identity and memories in different manners, and he's aware of it. Does major introspection of himself during this period.

  • Forgives Ardbert. They become close friends.

  • Apathetic towards Emet-Selch but his thirst for knowing drives him close to the Ascian despite the Scions' warning and his common sense. The Ascian is aware and indulges him.

  • Suspects that the Ascian knows more about his past than he lets on at the Kholusian lift (semi-suspects the Azem affair then).

  • Forgives Emet-Selch at the end, and puts Ardbert and Azem's ghost to rest in Amaurot.

  • Finally lets himself wear glasses (didn't want to before because he resembles his Garlean father)

  • Is severely light poisoned and features eventually fade before he recovers by merging souls with Ardbert.

5.x-5.3 (Reflections in Crystal)

  • Elidibus interferes using Ardbert, Arthur tries to reach out a lot more compared to canon because of his fascination with the Emissary.

  • Chases Elidibus after Anyder and is locked out.

  • Recovering from light poisoning but hair/eyes are permanently altered.

  • Forgives Elidibus, lets him go.

  • Cuts hair and changes glasses after 5.3.

  • Back home to the Source, and buries Minfilia properly with F'lhamin.

  • Azem's ghost still haunts him. Chucks the crystal to the bottom of his bag and doesn't look at it.

5.4-5.55 (Death Unto Dawn)

  • Eden is resolved- and Arthur bids his final farewell to Ryne and Gaia.

  • Fandaniel intervenes, and Arthur's respite is broken.

  • Starts using the sword/rapier again and experiments with spell switching in re: to summoning weapons. Fails a lot.

  • The moon looms even closer- and Arthur's Echo goes out of control in this lead up period- showing him flashes of a past he has never seen and a future he does not know.

6.0 (Endwalker)

  • Arrives in Sharlayan.

  • Stealing his way into the forbidden section to read books (caught and chastised)

  • Shaken by Garlemald accident and the body snatching (will elaborate later)

  • Elpis: trolls Emet-Selch, meets Venat. Pities Hermes and tries to reason with him.

  • Fully confident in own identity now, races to confront Meteion and comfort her (is familiar with her despair)

  • Denies Zenos his final fight- makes to walk away but is forced into battle when Zenos cuts him down with his back turned.

  • Struggling with aetherial fluctuations from his merge with Ardbert's soul and its after-effects- purely using physical weapons he can channel magic into and expel as a last resort during most of Endwalker.

6.x-6.5 (Buried Memory)

  • Excited about Zero and the Void and wants to interrogate them, but still tries to be as polite as possible..

  • Eric and Tim's adventures continue. Final goodbyes are said to both of them and Lahabrea.

  • Bad feeling about Golbez persists. (and who is the real Golbez anyway?)

  • A storm is once again brewing for Arthur as he wrestles with aetherial imbalances in himself... a condition that he seeks answers for by turning his gaze westward.

7.0 (Dawntrail)

  • Arrives in Tural and goes through Dawntrail's MSQ- but his side motive of seeking a way to cure his tumultuous aether remains

  • The search for the Golden City quenches his thirst for adventure- but it is not enough.

  • As of 7.0, he scrounges through the ruins of Living Memory and Everkeep- seeking for more...


arthur's themes

Pre 1.0Loss of home + family + identityInvasions of doma, home is burntSaved by strangers and pirates
1.0 (Before The Meteor)Loss of support network + friendsDalamud fallsThe Circle of Knowing
2.0 (A Realm Reborn)Loss of Scion friends + invasion of Waking Sands + The Bloody Banquet + loss of voiceGaius, Lahabrea, Praetorium and the Bloody banquetHydaelyn and the Scions
3.0 (Heavensward)Loss of faith in Hydaelyn + loss of innocence re: the worldNidhogg's rage + Estinien's revenge infects himAlphinaud, Tataru + Haurchefant and Aymeric
4.0 (Stormblood)Loss of control of emotions and rageZenos + Ala Mhigo and Shinryu, Asahi, Ghimlyt DarkLyse and Alisaie, Hien
5.0 (Shadowbringers)Loss of identity and courage of the self, loss of self-esteemThe Ascians' drive to restore their people, Bozja, Elidibus' dutyG'raha Tia & the people of the First, Ardbert and co., Esteem.
6.0 (Endwalker)Letting go of preconceived notions of the past + resentment of Azem + EsteemDynamis and closure with Zenos, the fire fades...Faith in Venat, the Scions, and friends
6.X (Post-Endwalker)Letting go of Elidibus in the raid seriesLahabrea and Golbez's fire yet burnsFaith in the self and friends as strong as it has ever been

arthur references

General timeline of appearance

pre-1.0/1.0/2.0 (A Realm Reborn)

3.0-3.55 (Heavensward)

5.0- 5.55 (Shadowbringers)

6.0 - 6.x (Endwalker)

6.4 (Endwalker) - 7.0 (Dawntrail)

misc references

drawn references





personal art (2024)

personal art (2023)

personal art (2022)

personal art (2021)

personal art (2020)

personal art (2019)

personal art (2018)

arthur physical merchandise


physical compilation of art i've drawn personally of my warrior of light.
volume 1: aria
volume 2: legato
volume 3: cantabile



Day 1: Cross

One hop across-One more step across the river-His footsteps stuttered at the river’s bank, his breath hitching. Blue eyes stared at the devastation of his village, the debris still smoking from the mechanical men and their machines that had marched across the cloudy hills not a day prior.Cross the river, find your parents at home-No, that way lies danger!How can home be dangerous?He steps into the river bank. The water is cloudy now, littered with the leftovers of the carnage of his village and its remains.“Hey! There’s a kid over there!”“Get him, don’t let him go back to the village, the Garleans are still there!”Rough arms (not his father’s, not his mother’s) wrapped around his tiny body and lifted him off the water. He cries, beating his fists against the stranger’s back- he needs to go back, he needs to cross the river to see if his father and mother were-They carried him away from the river, away from his village, to the sea, a nearby port. His cries had slowed down, his breathing evened out.They put him on the boat headed west without asking. They were going to cross the wide, vast unknown, they told him. It was packed full of other people- women, children his age, the elderly, all huddled together in the tight space. The silence and the occasional cry or sniffle assailed him as he crouched in his own corner, far away from everyone.Mother. Father.His hands scratched across the wooden boards, splinters caught in his dirty nails. With anger, he scrubbed at his cheeks, rubbing at the tears that fell.Don’t cry, his grandfather’s stern words echoed in his ears, crying is unseemly of the village heir.It didn’t matter now. The tears fell, thick and fast, silent and deadly. In shame, he buried his head into his knees.Above him, the sea wind blew- the scent of sorrow lingering in the breeze. An echo of the dead and the past that had just so recently been his present.

Day 2: BOLT

A streak across the night skies, a bolt of white against inky blue-He sits on the hill and watches the myriad of meteors as they fall to the ground, lighting up the sky with little pinpricks of white. Against this canvas of life he sits in silence, the only noise around him the gentle cooing of the Lominsan karakul and the crickets that come out to forage at night.One karakul gently bumps its face against his hand and he rubs its nose back in response absentmindedly.The same bolt of white flashes again, lighting up his face once more.Falling stars, meteors flashing down-He bolts upwards from his lax posture, panting as he looks up frantically, desperately searching the sky.There is nothing, no flaming stars, no meteors- just the twinkling of stars from far, far away.


He is tempered, he hears the whispers around him as he walks through the Waking Sands.There is no way he survived the battle with the primal unscathed, the rest gossip in their corners and quieten as he passes them on his way.Tempering, they called it- to have one’s will completely overwritten by a primal force so powerful it renders one helpless before its might.Minfilia smiles at him as he enters the solar quietly.“Did you have a difficult time with the primal?”A pause before he replies. “Is there a cure for it?”She cocks her head at him curiously. “For what, my friend?”“Tempering,” he answers shortly. “What the rest are talking about.”She is quiet for a moment before answering. “Why are you asking?” There is no rebuke in her voice, merely a desire to understand his question.“I-” His voice dies in his throat, the words struggling to escape. “Just in case. If I were,” Again the words are stuck on his tongue. “Tempered.”The breath of air she releases is not the answer he is looking for. “No. There is no cure for tempering as we know it.” Another pause. “Are you scared?”His response is curt. “No.”“You asked if you were tempered.” She pushes against his facade of shortness. “Do not worry, my friend. We will know for certain if you are.”“But how would I know?” He pushes back.“You won’t.” Minfilia exhales again. “Because your mind would be in thrall to the primal, and all you would know would be that burning desire to worship and to serve. Death would best suit one already doomed to tempering.”Silence reigns in the solar. “Is there anything else, my friend?”He folds his arms and hangs his head low as he ponders what he knows. “Nothing.”She is sceptical of him, he can tell, in the glances she shoots his way, but she lets it go just this once. “Remember that I am always here for you, should you have any more questions.” She pauses, a small smile curling her lips. “Arthur.”He startles at his name, but continues hanging his head low as he exits.He can still feel her gaze burning through his back as the heavy doors close behind him.The ghost is waiting outside for him as he exits the Waking Sands. Slouched against the brick wall overlooking the pier, it looks incredibly bored, ignoring the sun shining down directly on it.“You think I’m a primal.” The ghost says as he crosses its path. He stills, but doesn’t turn his head towards it. “You think I have you tempered.”He snorts. “What else are you?”The ghost grins, infuriating him. “I don’t know.”“Stop speaking in riddles!” He growls. He must look positively insane to everyone else around him, talking to thin air, but he cares not at this point. “You have haunted me ever since I was old enough, can you not give me the courtesy of giving me a proper answer?”“How can this one give you an answer if I do not know it myself?” The ghost frowns, tapping a finger against its chin as it looks at him. “One must be careful before giving out untoward lies disguised as answers.”“You are stalling again.” He barks.The ghost smiles serenely. In all its time with him he has never once managed to provoke it to anger. “Mayhap. Or mayhap I am searching for the answer myself.”“But rest be reassured, you are not tempered. And neither am I the primal controlling your will.” It grins once more. “After all, you are arguing with me, are you not?”He spins away on his feet, marching towards the chocobo porter. He’s had enough of entertaining this phantasm, this wisp of his imagination that has done nothing but needled him constantly while mimicking his exact appearance down to the very shape of his eyes and face. It was but a mockery born of his trauma, he had long reasoned, his mind racing to protect itself by giving it an outlet to talk to.The ghost watches him go, the humour in its eyes going out.“Tempering.” It muses. “I see now.” It quietly sighs to itself as it slowly fades out.There is no cure for tempering.But… what if…?

**Day 4: Marked **

The first thing someone says to him when he wakes up in the bale of hay is forever seared into his mind.“Ahoy, lad! That’s a fantastic tattoo on that back of yours- never seen one like that in all my years around these places. You got someplace ya gotta go?”He spits out the mouthful of hay in his mouth, gags, and turns his head to face the speaker. A hearty Sea Wolf stares back at him, and that is when he realises he is buck naked.“Ah- pardon, sir-” He starts, face flaming red as he tries to wiggle deeper into the haystack. “I seem to have lost my undergarments.”The Roegadyn man roars in laughter at his predicament. “I can see that! Best you stay put lad, I’ll get you some of me son’s old things out for ya.”Later when he is clothed and fed by the kindly stranger and ushered into the guest room of the family house, he takes his borrowed shirt off and turns his back to the mirror.His eyes widened. On the top of his back, between his shoulder blades is etched a mark that had not existed the day before.A foreign tattoo he fails to recognise, one of the darkest black he’s had ever seen, is seared into his skin. He raises his arms to scratch at it and it doesn’t flake off, nor does it lighten in intensity.“What in the-” He swears as he spins around almost comically, nearly losing his balance.Where had this mark come from? It had definitely not been on his back before- before-----The red moon falling- closer, closer, closer- the screams of the men around him, Nael’s final words ringing, echoing in his ears-Wings of destruction unfurling before his ears- an earth shattering roar that is heard for yalms and yalms beyond- the prayers they chant rising, rising, rising-Bahamut- oh lord Bahamut, grant us your succor and your aid--He jerks back to the present, panting. He is sweating profusely, the mysterious tattoo standing out even more on his sweat painted back.Had Bahamut done this to him? Nael? Louisoix, when he had summoned the Twelve to his aid-?No, no, no- he had to find them all- ask them questions---Too late, too late, he was too late once again- they were all gone-- Five years since Carteneau, they told him. Five years too late, the words rang in his ears as he trudged around Limsa Lominsa. Nobody could recognise him, nor did they meet his requests for knowledge on the survival of the Circle of Knowing.It was as if they never existed, nor did he.But he is here now- and that mark on his back-He had no answers to his questions. But forward is all he can go, he acknowledges this grimly, as he steps into a new chapter of his story.

Day 5: Cutting Corners

He leaves the edges unsanded, the bows unplucked-Faster, he has to go faster or they will call his name-They call it anyway.Arthur! The scream of his name echoes on the wind and he winces.They asked him once how he had chosen his name, as many seafarers are wont to do, and he shrugged. It had come to him, as many things had, and he had stuck with it.Quickly, quickly- he rubs off the oil on the ingot and puts it back in the box.Some things are just not earned in misery and the degradation of his worth.

Day 6: Onerous

This duty of his, this burden- each day as it passes it grows yet more onerous, weighing down on him-The years passed by and its weight grew more and more crushing-But then, a flicker of light, a call back to his duty and-He saw it again, that blinding light from a soul so intimate and familiar to him. He reached out and-It flickered at his touch, a feeble mimicry of what it used to be but still, still-Warm. So very warm.He shrivelled away, withdrawing to the shadows. No, no he couldn’t- he had to continue onwards, he was the only one left.None would stop his mission.

Day 7: Pawn

That was all he was to them in the end, he supposed. A pawn to be shifted around on life’s grand chessboard.The Scions, the Circle- everyone saw him as a mere pawn to be commanded, to be controlled, to be recalled and sacrificed as needed.He didn’t mind. It was all he was supposed to be.No, no, no- that dark voice whispered deep within. You are meant to control your own fate- to chart your own path, you are not beholden to anyone-He swatted that voice away, locked it deep within the recess of his mind.But still, in his darkest hours, in his most miserable of times, it came back to haunt him.A mere pawn you are, it taunted, nothing more, not ever, not now-Go away, he hissed at it. Go away-And it went away. But always, always it came back-Because as long as he saw himself as naught but an item to be used, deep in his subconscious, he knew it was always going to haunt him.I will be here. Always.You need but ask.

character bio- arthur forrest
written by: writingbunny

our closure


life's worth

misery wants company

TO: A-----

fire and blood


can you hear me?

can you hear me?

who are you?

beyond the storm